Ant Script Library: asl-java-test.xml


asl-java-test.xml contains properties and targets that are used for testing Java projects using JUnit.

This module differentiates between unit tests and integration tests. Although both types of can be written using JUnit, they make different assumptions about the environment in which they are running:

Because of the different requirements, it can be expected that these tests might need to be run at different times. By default, this module uses naming conventions to differentiate the different types of tests:


Name Default Value Description
java-test.src-dir src/test/java The root of the directory tree containing the test code
java-test.classes-dir ${}/test-classes The root of the directory tree containing all compiled test classes and resources.
java-test.test-data-dir ${}/test-data The directory containing all the generated test result data.
java-test.instrumented-classes-dir ${}/instrumented-classes The directory containing instrumented system classes (see the -test-instrument target)
java-test.instrumented-datafile ${java-test.instrumented-classes-dir}/cobertura.ser The file containing instrumentation results (see the -test-instrument target)


Dependency diagram for asl-java-test.xml


Runs both unit tests and integration tests through dependencies on the test-run-unit and test-run-integration targets. This target will fail the entire build if any of the tests have failed.


Runs the integration tests only through a dependency on the test-run-integration target. This target will fail the entire build any of the integration tests have failed.


Runs the unit tests only through a dependency on the test-run-unit target. This target will fail the entire build if any of the unit tests have failed.


Runs the integration tests only. Test results will be stored in xml format in the ${java-test.test-data-dir} folder. Instrumentation statistics will be stored in the file ${java-test.instrumented-datafile}.


Runs the unit tests only. Test results will be stored in xml format in the ${java-test.test-data-dir} folder. Instrumentation statistics will be stored in the file ${java-test.instrumented-datafile}.


Initialises a fileset with id java-test.integration-fileset, which is used to select the classes to run for the integration tests. By default, all classes matching the name pattern <include name="**/*IntegrationTest.class"/> within the folder ${java-test.classes-dir} are included


Initialises a fileset with id java-test.unit-fileset, which is used to select the classes to run for the integration tests. By default, all classes matching the name pattern <include name="**/*Test.class"/>, but excluding those classes matching the pattern <exclude name="**/*IntegrationTest.class"/> within the folder ${java-test.classes-dir} are included


This is an empty target, it simplifies the dependencies on the targets used to prepare for running the unit tests.


Processes the compiled code in ${java-build.classes-dir} to add instrumentation instructions, allowing a code coverage report to be generated. The instrumented classes are created in the directory ${java-test.instrumented-classes-dir}. Instrumentation data is stored in the file ${java-test.instrumented-datafile}


Calls javac on the source code in ${java-test.src-dir}, with the generated classes being put into the directory ${java-test.classes-dir}. The classpath used in compilation is defined by the path with id="java-test.classpath" (which is defined by the target -test-init-classpath by default).


Copies all files that don't have a .java extension from ${java-test.src-dir} to ${java-test.classes-dir}. This ensures that all resources required by the Java test classes will be available when running the tests.


Defines a path with id "java-test.classpath". This path is used by the javac task in the -test-compile target. By default, this path will contain everything within the path with with id "java-build.classpath", as well as the distributable jar

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