Ant Script Library: asl-java-report.xml


asl-java-report.xml contains properties and targets for various generated reports about Java code. Available reports are:

report-all . report-checkstyle . report-cobertura . report-cpd . report-findbugs . report-javadoc . report-jdepend . report-pmd . report-tests


All properties defined with this module are prefixed with "java-report.".

The following property affects the default location of all reports in this module. Other report specific properties are documented with the report target below.

Name Default Value Description ${common.dist-dir}/reports The top level directory under which all generated reports will be placed.



Generates all available reports.


Generates a Checkstyle report. The follow properties control the behaviour of this report:

Name Default Value Description
java-report.checkstyle-dir ${}/checkstyle The directory where the Checkstyle report will be generated.
java-report.checkstyle-libdir ${java-report.basedir}/lib/checkstyle There directory containing the Checkstyle jar file.
java-report.checkstyle-config-file ${java-report.checkstyle-libdir}/config/sun_checks.xml The configuration file for Checkstyle, which can be used to control what checks are performed.
java-report.checkstyle-data-dir ${}/checkstyle-data The directory where the Checkstyle data will be stored.
java-report.checkstyle-data-file ${java-report.checkstyle-data-dir}/checkstyle-data.xml The file where the Checkstyle data will be stored.
java-report.checkstyle-stylesheet ${java-report.checkstyle-libdir}/xsl/checkstyle-noframes.xsl The XSLT stylesheet used to generate the HTML report


Generates a Cobertura test coverage report.

The location of this report is controlled by the property java-report.coverage-dir:

Name Default Value Description
java-report.coverage-dir ${}/coverage The directory where the test coverage report will be generated.


Generates a Copy-Paste Detection report. The follow properties control the behaviour of this report:

Name Default Value Description
java-report.cpd-dir ${}/cpd The directory where the copy-paste detection report will be generated.
java-report.cpd-data-dir ${}/cpd-data The directory where the CPD data will be stored.
java-report.cpd-data-file ${java-report.cpd-data-dir}/cpd-data.xml The file where the CPD data will be stored
java-report.cpd-minimum-token-count 75 The minimum number duplicated tokens that will trigger a warning.
java-report.cpd-stylesheet ${java-report.pmd-libdir}/etc/xslt/cpdhtml.xslt The XSLT stylesheet used to generate the HTML report


Generates a FindBugs report. The follow properties control the behaviour of this report:

Name Default Value Description
java-report.findbugs-failbuild (unset) If this property is set, any FindBugs warnings will cause the build to fail.
java-report.findbugs-home ${java-report.basedir}/lib/findbugs The directory containing the FindBugs installation.
java-report.findbugs-dir ${}/findbugs The directory where the FindBugs report will be generated.
java-report.findbugs-libdir ${java-report.findbugs-home}/lib The directory containing the FindBugs jar files.
java-report.findbugs-data-dir ${}/findbugs-data The directory where the FindBugs data will be stored.
java-report.findbugs-data-file ${java-report.findbugs-data-dir}/findbugs.xml The file where the FindBugs data will be stored.
java-report.findbugs-stylesheet ${java-report.findbugs-home}/src/xsl/default.xsl The XSLT stylesheet used to generate the HTML report
java-report.findbugs-report-file ${java-report.findbugs-dir}/index.html The name of the HTML report file.
java-report.findbugs-jvmargs -Xmx512m Extra arguments that will be passed to the JVM running FindBugs.


Generates JavaDoc for all the source code underneath the directory specified by the property java-build.src-dir.

Name Default Value Description
java-report.javadoc-dir ${}/javadoc The directory where the JavaDoc documentation will be generated.
java-report.javadoc-window-title ${} The title that will appear on the JavaDoc.
java-report.javadoc-doc-title ${java-report.javadoc-window-title} - ${common.timestamp-long} The title that will appear at the top of the JavaDoc pages.


Generates a JDepend report. The follow properties control the behaviour of this report:

Name Default Value Description
java-report.jdepend-dir ${}/jdepend The directory where the JDepend report will be generated.
java-report.jdepend-data-dir ${}/jdepend-data The directory where the JDepend data will be stored.


Generates a PMD code quality report. The follow properties control the behaviour of this report:

Name Default Value Description
java-report.pmd-dir ${}/pmd The directory where the PMD report will be generated.
java-report.pmd-libdir ${java-report.basedir}/lib/pmd The directory containing the PMD jar files.


Generates a test report from the set of JUnit xml reports found in the directory ${java-test.test-data-dir}. Note that both the test-unit target and the test-integration target will place their data files in that directory.

Name Default Value Description
java-report.test-dir ${}/test The directory where the test report will be generated.
java-test.test-data-dir ${}/test-data The directory containing all the generated test result data.

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