Ant Script Library: asl-java-build.xml


asl-java-build.xml contains properties and targets that are used for building Java projects.


All properties defined with this module are prefixed with "java-build.".

Name Default Value Description
java-build.src-dir src/main/java The root of the directory tree containing the system source code
java-build.lib-dir lib The directory containing all the library jar files. Any jar file contained within this directory (or any subdirectories) will be added the the javac classpath. (see target -init-classpath).
java-build.classes-dir ${}/classes The root of the directory tree containing compiled system classes and resources.
java-build.dist-ext .jar The file extension of the the distributable artifact.
java-build.dist-filename ${}${java-build.dist-ext} The file name of the distributable artifact.
java-build.dist-file ${common.dist-dir}/${java-build.dist-filename} The fully qualified path to the distributable artifact.
java-build.source-ver 1.5 Specifies the level of source code compatability 1.5 Specifies the target JVM version for which the compiler should generate classes
java-build.debug on Generate debugging info


Dependency diagram for asl-java-build.xml


Creates the distributable artifact for this build. By default, this is an empty target that just has a dependency upon the jar target. Other types of projects (such as war or ear) will need to override this target and provide a different target dependency.


Creates a jar file. This target has dependencies upon the targets compile, copy-resources, -init-time and -init-jar-classpath.

The name and location of the generated jar is controlled by the property java-build.dist-file (which is target/dist/${}.jar by default).

The generated jar will contain everything contained the directory specified by the property java-build.classes-dir (which is target/classes by default). The compile and copy-resources targets both put all their class files and other resources in that directory, so these will be available in the packaged jar.

The generated jar will have a number of manifest attributes set, including the attributes Main-Class and Class-Path, meaning that the jar can be used as an application jar, by invoking java as follows:

 java -jar my.jar

The manifest attributes take their values from the following properties:

Property Name Default Value Description
java-build.jar-title ${} Sets the Implementation-Title attribute. This value can be accessed in code by the method java.lang.Package.getImplementationTitle().
java-build.jar-version dev-${DSTAMP}${TSTAMP} Sets the Implementation-Version attribute. This value can be accessed in code by the method java.lang.Package.getImplementationVersion().
java-build.jar-vendor Sets the Implementation-Vendor attribute. This value can be accessed in code by the method java.lang.Package.getImplementationVendor().
java-build.jar-build-id Built by ${} at ${common.timestamp} running on ${} ${os.version} ${os.arch} Sets the Build-Id attribute.
java-build.jar-main-class Sets the Main-Class attribute. By setting the value of this attribute to the name of a class contained within the jar, that class can be invoked by using the 'java -jar [jarname]' syntax.
java-build.jar-classpath Sets the Class-Path attribute. This property is initialised by the target -init-jar-classpath


Copies all files that don't have a .java extension from ${java-build.src-dir} to ${java-build.classes-dir}. This ensures that all resources required by the Java classes will be available when packaged within the jar file.

In projects where resources are kept in separate directories to the source code, this target will need to be overridden. For example:

<target name="copy-resources"
        description="Copies resources">
    <copy todir="${java-build.classes-dir}">
        <fileset dir="myresources"/>

Note that in this example, the overriding target still has a dependency on the original overridden target. This means that both targets are processed, and resources in both the source directory and the extra myresources directory will be copied in preparation for the jar target.


Calls javac on the source code in ${java-build.src-dir}, with the generated classes being put into the directory ${java-build.classes-dir}. The classpath used in compilation is defined by the path with id="java-build.classpath" (which is defined by the target -init-classpath by default).


Defines a path with id="java-build.classpath". This path is used by the javac task in the compile target. By default, this path will contain all files with extension .jar in the ${java-build.lib-dir} directory (including sub-directories).

This target must be overridden to provide an alternative classpath if you are using an artifact repository.


Defines a property called 'java-build.jar-classpath', which is used as the 'Class-Path' attribute of the manifest defined in the jar target.

The jar classpath is different to the compilation classpath, in that the jar classpath expects that all the depandent jars are expected to be in a sub-directory called lib, which is relative to the location of the project jar. This property and the Main-Class mean that it is possible to use the generated jar as an application jar, if required. See the install target for an example of how this can be used.


This target does nothing. It can be overridden in projects that need to generate some source code before the compilation step. (For example, compiling an XML schema definition to java source code for JAXB.)

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