Example Specifications

A High Level Feature

This is a description of a high level feature.

As a user
I want to perform an action
So that I can achieve a business goal

 First Scenario

 Given a system state

 When I do something

 Then system is in a different state

 Second Scenario

 Given a system state

 When I do something

 Then system is in a different state

 Third Scenario with Examples

 Given system is <old_state>

 When I perform <action>

 Then system should be <new_state>

old_state action new_state
flapping pull plug falling
 Given system is flapping
 When I perform pull plug
 Then system should be falling
proud gesture rudely embarrassed
 Given system is proud
 When I perform gesture rudely
 Then system should be embarrassed
crying hug happy
 Given system is crying
 When I perform hug
 Then system should be happy

Another High Level Feature

This is a description of another high level feature.

As a user
I want to perform an action
So that I can achieve a business goal

 Goldilocks and the Three Bears

 Given a system state

 When I do something

 Then system is in a different state

 Hansel and Gretel

 Given a system state

 When I do something

 Then system is in a different state

 The Little Mermaid

 Given system is <old_state>

 When I perform <action>

 Then system should be <new_state>

old_state action new_state
splishing gyrate hips sposhing
 Given system is splishing
 When I perform gyrate hips
 Then system should be sposhing
sploshing wink suggestively splashing
 Given system is sploshing
 When I perform wink suggestively
 Then system should be splashing
splashing wiggle eyebrows fainting
 Given system is splashing
 When I perform wiggle eyebrows
 Then system should be fainting

First Category »

Amazing Capability

As a user
I want to perform an action
So that I can achieve a business goal

 scenario description

 Given a system state

 When I do something

 Then system is in a different state

First Category »

Standard Capability

As a user
I want to perform an action
So that I can achieve a business goal

 First Successful Scenario

 Given a system state

 When I do something

 Then system is in a different state

 Second Pending Scenario

 Given a system state

 When I do something

 Then we're not ready to check this yet

 Third Failed Scenario

 Given a system state

 When I do something

 Then something went wrong

First Category » First Nested Feature »

Nested Capability

As a user
I want to perform an action
So that I can achieve a business goal

 Nested Feature Scenario

 Given a system state

 When I do something

 Then system is in a different state

Second Category »

Special Feature

As a user
I want to perform an action
So that I can achieve a business goal

 Special Feature Scenario

 Given a system state

 When I do something pending

 Then system is in a different state

 Another Special Feature Scenario

 Given a system state

 When I do something

 Then system is in a different state

 Yet Another Special Feature Scenario

 Given a system state

 When I do something

 Then system is in a different state

 Even More Special Feature Scenario

 Given a system state

 When I do something

 Then system is in a different state

 Crikey, Does This Thing Ever End?

 Given a system state

 When I do something

 Then system is in a different state

Second Category » Deeply Nested Category »

Last Feature

As a user
I want to perform an action
So that I can achieve a business goal

 scenario description

 Given a system state

 When I do something

 Then system is in a different state