Learning, Communication,
and Culture

Changing Minds and Increasing Influence

Hi, I'm Joe Schmetzer

Joe Schmetzer

How to expanding the practices, princples and values that you care about?

  1. The Transformation
  2. Culture
  3. Strategies

The Lean/Agile Transformation

Transformation context

Transformation vision

Assembling the coaching team

Setting the transformation goals

Too many cooks

Not enough cooks

Stop distracting everyone

Time to leave...

  1. The Transformation
  2. Culture
  3. Strategies

Change is hard

The secret to successful change is...

What is Culture?

Whatever people learn from other people, and transmit to other people, especially by interacting with them

The 4 Forces of Culture

1. Intertial Force

2. Entropic Force

3. Reflective (Metacultural) Force

4. The Force of Interest

Forces of Cultural Change

image/svg+xml Current Wanted inertia entropy metaculture interest

The Secret to Successful Culture Change

the new culture must appear to grow organically out of the old culture
  1. The Transformation
  2. Culture
  3. Strategies

"Culture eats strategy for lunch"

— Peter Drucker

Tsunami with labels
Tsunami surfing

Scenario: New Company

image/svg+xml Current entropy

Scenario: Big Company, Bottom Up Change

image/svg+xml Current Wanted interest inertia metaculture

Community Alignment


Technical Practices are Business Concerns

  • Clean Code: maintain pace into the future, optionality
  • Continuous Integration: reducing risk
  • Continuous Delivery: reducing risk

Business Alignment

Impact Mapping



Lean and Systems Thinking


Example Value Stream

Example value stream


Elevate learning to the highest level goal of the company


You need to get better at communication

List of Cognitive Biases

Cognitive Bias Codex

Avoiding Bias

  • Clean Language
  • Non-Violent Communication
  • 8 Behaiours for Smarter Teams

Fearless Change

More Fearless Change book cover


  • Alignment of Cultural Forces
  • Learning Strategies
  • Communication Strategies



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